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A brief storyline which Schijnerg Group is addressing as a global epidemic:



Indonesia is one of the world’s 4th largest producer of coal and South Asian biggest gas supplier. Analyzing this information it somehow underscores that there is no uniform technology big data solution to meet Indonesia’s energy access targets as of 2020 vision, and that to a great deal of pragmatism and flexibility will be needed to meet its goal of universal access by 2024 as per IEA source. Because of this, the demand and supply over the energy market in the South Asian region is been scattered everywhere including compensatory measures for the poor, and social and infrastructure development investments that benefit the entire population have been a huge downfall.


Visualization of the knowledge and technical expertise over energy and renewable sector in South Asian countries, every year government bodies spend around 13.2 % from its annual expenditure budget which quite less as per the global cut off of 20% for annual energy expenditure budget. Schijnerg provides a mutualistic symbiosis approach between government, corporate and industries, as well as environmental enthusiasts, which works as a Robo consultant digital platform with the help of big data analytics to provide the best solution for renewable energy installation.


Considering the South Asian Region, suppose 40 renewable energy companies in the SEA countries are taken. Assume 8 companies are in SEA with an equal share, Schijnerg potentially solves and provides enabling renewable energy solutions and services to harness of 4.3MTOE by 2025. Since the global perspective at present especially the market in Singapore and Indonesia is about $1090 billion addressing the energy provider to almost 264 million people.


How Schijnerg Group works:

A Green Robo consultant tapping the power of big data to provide the best solution for renewable energy installation.

  • Environment enthusiast social media

  • Consulting and marketing platform, price and meteorological database

  • Government policy and scheme announcement board

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Sagar Ratilal Bavarva  


The Netherlands

Team: Schijnerg

Below mentioned affiliations/associations where Schijnerg is Highlighted:

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